Friday, October 1, 2010

How To Guarantee.... Not To Get Stuck With A Man With A Small Dick.

You know, it would be good if the inches of a man's penis could be posted right on his forehead like they speak of in the book of Revelations during the Apocalypse, because I think having a small penis is truly the "sign of the beast" and you need to be recognized and put on blast. Unfortunately, you have to make sure you don't get caught with a small penis man. There are many ways you can do this but you can't be over analytical when doing what is required. C'mon Son! #1 You DO NOT fall in love with a man without seeing his penis first. #2 If you are a virgin and a devout christian or muslim you need to walk into the bathroom by "accident" you make sure that fool don't have a man who is pissing on his balls. #3 You do not go on more than 3 dates with a man without asking to see his penis first. Why? If you don't ask you won't know. You can't always reply on "penis bumps" some men stuff their draws just like women stuff their bras. Real talk. The reason why you can't go more than 3 dates without seeing the dick, is because if you fall in love or start getting feelings for him you might let the small dick "slide" if he "treats you right" no. You should not put mileage on your pussy with "pity sex". Pity sex is when you have sex with a man when you really don't want to and you FAKE the whole way but its still consensual. There are some "nice small dick men" who needs love but I'm not the one that's going to give it to them. Over 30% of women in America are sexually unsatisfied. What statistic do you want to fall into? Me...I am in the statistic of women who are getting their "Back Blew Out". Real talk. Me personally I think all men who are not circumcised do not deserve oral sex unless it is worth your 8 or 9 inches worth..and please don't let it be skinny and long but FAT and long. I need my pussy walls stretched. They have all that extra gotta pull skin back just to get to the fuckin' head?! Hell naw. You can keep that! UNLESS it is worth your time. When my husband and I was on our 2nd date I asked to see his dick and he was surprised because I was a virgin at the time. He laughed at me and pulled it out when I told him why I wanted to see it. He showed me and ...I married him for a reason *wink*! When the man will pull out his dick with no hesitation, its a good sign because he probably has a good size penis. I have no tolerance for small dicks and you shouldn't either. Kindergarten penis should be saved for the percentage of black men that go to white women. I remember when I was at Jackson State University in Mississippi and one of my hall mates got married and called me at like 2am..."Angie!! You were right!! I should have looked!!" She screamed while sniffing and crying at the same time without introducing herself but strangely I knew exactly who it was. Long story~short...her daddy was a big pastor from where she was from and she was scared to check the dick like I told her. She was a virgin and thought she would be sinning against God by just looking being that she was a virgin. Now, years later she is not even married because she said the dick felt like a TAMPON. Sex is not everything but it is an important part in a marriage if you want a healthy marriage. I don't know about you.... but I want to express my love and affection for my husband by sliding up and down his penis while bussing on top of him while all my juices run down his dick while riding him at FULL FORCE. Now how the hell you gone do that if the shit falls out every two minutes? Exactly. Why waste money?...Waste time?...A whole wedding?...When all you gotta do is ASK to see his penis by the 3rd date. Checking the dick will also reduce crime rates as well because let's just say you get ready to have sex and he gets naked and you refuse due to him having a deflated balloon for a penis and his lil dick ass rapes you? ...Hopefully I have once again given you something to think about. Check the Dick!!!!!! Trust me.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


  1. Love, love, love it... u are truly uncut and real.

    1. My Name is Dr Aziba you can Contact Me via Email For Penis Enlargement Product to help you get as long as 8inches Long with good Erection. Contact Me Via Email : Via WhatsApp: +238100368288 .

  2. Thanks for this. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing. Small Penis

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I appreciate the truth of your posting and the directness of your approach.Being asked by women to show it before they got attached emotionally would have improved my relationships and it probably would have prevented my ex-wife from agreeing to marry me. You see, I came to adulthood before the internet age, and my size came as an extremely disappointing and frustrating surprise to all of the women who allowed me into their beds. A doctor when I was in my 20s described it as "infantile." How did I deal with dating and having adult relationships with an erection under 2" long? I hid it as long as I could, hoped they were virgins who hadn't seen too many pictures of naked men, and prayed they'd like me enough by the time they found out that it wouldn't matter. Well, it always did matter, and I'd eventually see the looks of concern and disappointment on their faces as they asked me questions like, "Why is it so tiny?" or pushed my face between their thighs after telling me they couldn't tell if it was in. I'm not exaggerating.It never ended well.

  5. My Name is Dr Aziba you can Contact Me via Email For Penis Enlargement Product to help you get as long as 8inches Long with good Erection. Contact Me Via Email : Via WhatsApp: +238100368288 .
